- The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Democrats and their party-aligned elites and globalists are on a tight time line to take over the world, cripple the Constitution, capsize capitalism, seize individual liberties, force vaccines into the arms of Americans who don’t want vaccines, and sell that particular brand of socialism-slash-communism-slash-governance-by-surveillance that better belongs with Chinese than liberty-loving Americans.

November 2022 approaches. And by all indications: Democrats are going down. As in Bruce Springsteen “down.” And that means one thing: Cue Lovin’ Spoonful’s daydream. 

“Herschel Walker’s Senate bid roars to life with massive fundraising numbers,” Fox News wrote, about the Heisman Trophy winner’s massive campaign draw to win the Georgia seat from Democrat Raphael Warnock.

The news from around the nation — and from sources not so friendly to conservatives — is similar.

“Republicans gaining ground on Democrats in Virginia statewide elections, poll finds,” The Washington Post just wrote.

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s daily emailed pleas for money show his desperation.

“[Glenn] Youngkin climbed in the polls,” his campaign wrote, just a few days ago. “Then the experts at The Cook Political Report moved the race to a toss-up. And right now? Republicans’ enthusiasm is at an all time HIGH.”

Yes. That’s ‘cause Americans are sick and tired of authoritarian Democrats. And the sick and tiredness has been creeping for some time now. 

“Democrats could suffer a big fall in 2022 elections,” The Boston Globe wrote, back in July. Fast-forward a few, and it’s more of the same.

“This poll should terrify Democrats ahead of 2022,” CNN wrote in September, about an Iowa poll showing only 31% of that state’s residents approved of Joe Biden’s handling of his presidential duties.

J. Ann Selzer, a pollster who gave Donald Trump 35% approval at this same time in his administration and Barack Obama, 36%, said to the Des Moines Register about Joe Biden’s 31% approval-62% disapproval: “This is a bad poll for Joe Biden and it’s playing out in everything that he touches right now.”

Like the other Democrats in his party? Apparently. Biden is like Midas, only opposite. Everything this president touches turns to doggie doo-doo.

So, too, his silent shadowy vice president, Kamala Harris. She’s so missing from the public stage that she’s sparked a whole new takeoff of “Where’s Waldo?” Democrats no doubt think she’s so hated that keeping her locked away and tucked from view is the best chance they have of boosting her popularity. But it’s a race to the bottom.

“Biden sinking so fast in polls even Kamala Harris is topping him,” The Boston Herald wrote in late September.

It’s not quite a win when the closest competition is a last-round pick. Americans shouldn’t have to go dumpster diving for their leaders.

“V.P. Kamala Harris’ Poll Numbers Are Higher Than President Joe Biden’s,” Black Enterprise chirped in late September, in a story about how Democrats are seeing the vice president as a potential pick for president in 2024. Let them. Poll numbers higher than terrible still a crappy candidate make.

“Democrats Set to Lose Control of Senate in 2022, Polling Suggests,” Newsweek reported this month.

In all fairness, there are plenty of polls suggesting otherwise. Then again, polls always point to massive Democrat wins — record-breaking Democrat sweeps, even. They’re rarely right; as a matter of fact, polls are a generally pretty sucky way of determining the winds of political change, even when favoring the conservative side of things. The numbers are too easily skewed; the findings, too easily manipulated; the conclusions, too easily fabricated for political gain and steam. The only polls that really should be paid attention to at all are the polls that paint Democrats in a poor light — because these are the polls the Democrat-loving media don’t want to report but have to, because the poor lights are too obvious to ignore. Even then, they sugarcoat.

Common sense, not polling, is a much better scale.

And on common sense, it’s becoming more and more apparent: Democrats are going down. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci recognizes that; why else would the guy “give” us not just Christmas, but also Halloween this year — after first trying to “take” Christmas 2021, as he did in 2020 and for all the holidays? He knows the angst grows. He knows the time grows short.

The left can’t keep forcing its tyrannical ways onto free Americans without expecting some sort of backlash. From vaccine mandates to Afghanistan betrayal to rising inflation to delayed shipments of products, everything the Democrats have been doing has led to failure. 

“‘Containergeddon’: Supply crisis drives Walmart and rivals to hire their own ships,” Reuters wrote.

“Supply chain issues lead to empty shelves and delivery delays,” CBS News wrote.

The levy is about to explode.

Americans are about to have their say.

Democrats are about to go down. Thankfully. The country can’t stand much more of their madness.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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