Like HIV/AIDs, Monkeypox is a disease that largely only impacts male homosexuals or bisexuals and the women who sleep with them.

There are exceptions, like tainted blood transfusions, but those cases are now few and far between now that safeguards are in place.

Of course, the Woketocracy partially lifted restrictions back in 2015 on homosexuals donating blood, so that may change in the future:

The Food and Drug Administration has lifted its lifetime ban on accepting blood donations from men who have had sex with men.

“The FDA is changing its recommendation that men who have sex with men (MSM) be indefinitely deferred … to 12 months since the last sexual contact with another man,” the administration announced Monday.

This final guidance from the FDA is the culmination of several years of scientific research as well as consultation with external advisory committees and other government agencies.

Canada actually just went full libtard and lifted the restrictions on blood donations from active homosexuals:

Canada said on Thursday it is lifting a ban on blood donations from sexually active men who have sex with men, first imposed decades ago, as part of an effort to create a “more inclusive” system.

Woke activists are clamoring for the USA to do the same:

For the first time ever, the American Red Cross this week declared a national blood shortage crisis and hospitals are putting out calls for donors — yet the Food and Drug Administration continues to ban men who have sex with men from donating blood.

It is long past time for the FDA to eliminate this ban. No other group is similarly banned from donating blood. Prohibiting only men who have sex with men from donating blood is the definition of homophobic, because it presumes that this sexual orientation is unsafe. That is provably false: Studies report no risk to the blood supply in other countries that do not ban donations from this group of men.

The assumption that blood from sexually active gay and bisexual men is deadly is deadly. UCLA researchers say lifting the ban would mean as many as 350,000 new donors and could treat more than a million people.

But that’s all besides the point.

The above-linked essay from the Claremont Review of Books gets to the heart of the AIDs epidemic, which just so happens to also apply to the Monkeypox phenomenon:

In Los Angeles in the summer of 1983, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) killed three babies. These deaths made it plain for all with eyes to see that this disease posed an issue of public morality, as well as one of public health. Nevertheless, as we shall see, the moral blindness of those with public authority has prevented or stalled a solution to even the prob­lems of public health caused by AIDS.

The three babies had been born prematurely and thus required a number of blood transfusions. The doctors who cared for them believed that one or more of the 57 persons who supplied the blood were carriers of AIDS, which is to say that they were very active homosexuals. Nevertheless, Dr. Shirley Fanin, Los Angeles County’s deputy associate director for communicable disease pro­grams, refused to try to identify the AIDS donor. Fanin said she feared to “disrupt” the lifestyles of citizens. Apparently, the probability that the same donor might kill again-indeed, the possi­bility that he might be deliberately contaminating the blood supply, as has since been reported in at least one case-was not as important to the public health bureaucracy as the homosexuals’ right to privacy.

Dr. Fanin’s overdeveloped sense of delicacy about “gay rights” is not at all unusual among public health professionals. Wherever AIDS is spreading, those responsible for the public’s good health and for the education of the public about health and disease have a similar attitude, even in the face of what they themselves claim to be the most deadly disease known to humanity.

Consider what happened in Miami about a year ago, when the death of a surgeon was handled with the same characteristic delicacy. “We don’t have any confirmation in writing,” the director of the Dade County Health Department said with obvious circumspection, “that AIDS has been diagnosed.” Yet Dr. Robert Katims of the Florida Board of Medical Examiners did not hesitate to declare flatly, “Every doctor in Dade County knows” that the surgeon died of AIDS. However, when it comes to AIDS, what every doctor knows and indeed what every citizen knows, namely that it would cease if male homosexual practices would cease, is deliberately ignored by the public health bureaucrats.

[Claremont Review of Books]

Be sure to read the whole thing.

History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.

Monkeypox is simply AIDS 2.0: it is a disease acquired and spread by sexually active homosexuals. Of the 300+ Monkeypox cases recorded in NYC thus far, all have occurred in men or transsexuals.

Steve Sailer has the details (emphasis ours):

You have to admit, the word “monkeypox” is fun to say: monkeypox, monkeypox, monkeypox.

On the other hand, this less lethal relative of smallpox, which is now up to 2,000 confirmed cases in its first two months in the United States, sounds extremely painful and disgusting.

In Nigeria, where it is endemic in wildlife, it kills an estimated 1 to 3 percent of humans who get infected, a fatality rate worse than Covid.

“Hopefully, monkeypox will remain just a comic version of AIDS Lite.”

Fortunately, in the current global outbreak only three people outside Africa have died so far, none in the U.S. Hopefully, there’s something different between African monkeypox and Western gay monkeypox.

Of course, monkeypox in America and Europe is overwhelmingly being spread by gay men to gay men.

For example, in New York City, none of its 336 victims so far have been women, in comparison to seven who are listed as “TGNCNB,” an acronym new to me that stands for “Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Non-Binary.” Similarly, in Washington, D.C., which has the highest per-capita infection rate in the country, not one of the 122 patients is a woman.

[Taki’s Mag]


So, you think the solution must be simple, right? Just tell the homosexuals to stop sodomizing each other for two weeks, or two months, or two years, to stop the spread, right? Pretty simple?

Not so fast…

The liberals are concerned with stigma, the same way they were concerned about “stigmatizing” homosexuals back in the 1980s.

You want to attend church, visit your dying father in the hospital, go to your niece’s wedding, or give birth to your first baby without wearing a mask? Sorry, that’s VERBOTEN during an outbreak of Covid.

But homosexual orgies during a sexual disease outbreak? We can’t cancel those. Gay orgies are a sacred rite of the Globalist American Empire—that’s GAE, for short.

You’ll want to read the entire Sailer piece to fully grasp the absurdity.