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Guest Post by Scott Greer

Social media sensation Andrew Tate is now banned from nearly every internet platform. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Stripe, and TikTok all suspended Tate after his videos took over the internet this summer. (He was already banned from Twitter prior to his surge in popularity). The level of censorship is unprecedented. TikTok has vowed to delete videos that simply feature Tate speaking. It’s likely other platforms will follow suit. Why would the tech giants suddenly decide to unperson one of the most popular personalities on the internet?

It’s because the media deemed him a Very Bad Person. Media outlets primarily derided him as a hateful misogynist who is turning young boys into woman haters. They also accused the half-black influencer of “racism” (their favorite sin) and “ties to the far right.” The media outcry made Big Tech censor him.

Liberals seem happy that Tate was censored. But so do conservatives. While Tate’s popularity increased throughout the summer, conservatives ratcheted up their attacks on the former kickboxer. Many of their arguments were similar to the Left’s attacks on Tate. Compact Mag denounced Tate’s masculinity message as barbaric and “anti-Christian.” The same article proposed feminism as the better alternative to Tate.

Regardless of why conservatives don’t like Tate, Big Tech did not censor him because he doesn’t uphold socially conservative values. Big Tech allows tons of personalities to preach hedonism and sexual promiscuity. Take the podcast Call Her Daddy. The female-hosted show encourages women to cheat, binge drink, and be as vulgar as possible. Spotify awarded the show a massive $60 million deal and conservatives didn’t melt down over it. There are countless other examples, particularly ones directed to a male audience. Young men could also watch any other Barstool Sports podcast (the old producer of Call Her Daddy) and hear the same hedonistic message. But no Barstool podcast will ever be censored because they stay within the lines of acceptable discourse. (Barstool is also loved by many conservatives simply because it is a less woke alternative to ESPN and Deadspin).

Tate did not stay within the lines and that’s why Big Tech censored him. Unlike other alternatives to young men, Tate spoke controversial truths to his audience that the Globalist American Empire does not want you to hear.

A good example is Tate’s interview on a Barstool podcast. Barstool founder Dave Portnoy and his hosts were bewildered that Tate would suggest there are inherent differences between men and women. Portnoy conceded that men are stronger than women, but would not admit to any more differences beyond that. He didn’t like Tate’s belief in sex differences in intelligence and ability to handle difficult situations. Portnoy upheld blank slatism against Tate’s biological realism. The Barstool chief also expressed his support of feminist empowerment against Tate’s more traditional view of gender relations. The Barstool hosts then decided Tate is a bit of a sexist:

But it’s not just Tate’s opinions on gender relations and sex that raise the ire of globalists. He also speaks frankly about race, immigration, demographics, nationalism, and whether it’s worth fighting for the Globalist American Empire.

An intrepid Twitter user recently collected some of Tate’s more provocative statements. The influencer sounds a lot like Tucker Carlson and Viktor Orban when he talks about political issues. He denounced anti-white racism, warned about demographic collapse, attacked the transgender indoctrination of children, skewered COVID vaccine propaganda, and noticed the stupidity of the military-industrial complex. These are views that few would hear outside of the confines of right-wing Twitter or certain Tucker Carlson segments. Now they’re getting spread to millions of young people on TikTok.

It would be one thing if there were other similar voices reaching young people on TikTok. But there really aren’t. Most TikTok content is inane and bereft of any larger point. But a lot of it reinforces woke norms. Kids can encounter hundreds of examples of LGBT indoctrination, anti-white racism, and diatribes on toxic masculinity with just a little bit of scrolling. The only video they may see with a different point of view is an Andrew Tate clip. He stands out from the woke garbage—and that may explain his popularity among teenage males. These kids are tired of the endless stream of left-wing propaganda on TikTok and gravitate to the one guy who tells them that’s all bullshit.

A lot of Tate critics claim his popularity is a sign of how many broken men there are. In reality, it’s just a sign of how awful the rest of TikTok content is and how desperate young guys are for any sensible message. Tate, for all his tawdry aspects, fundamentally espouses a message that stresses traditional masculine behavior and not apologizing for who you are. The other content wants young men to feel ashamed of who they are. They need to atone for their toxic masculinity, white privilege, and heteronormativity.

Tate is not the ideal role model. But he’s the only anti-woke alternative gaining over 12 billion views on TikTok.

In some ways, he resembles Donald Trump. Trump bragged about his sexual exploits, the money he makes, and just how awesome he isHe probably wasn’t anyone’s ideal presidential candidate when he first came down the escalator in 2015. But he soon proved to be the best presidential candidate in recent memory. The media also tried to depict Trump as a sexist pig with the Access Hollywood tape and spurious sexual misconduct allegations. Conservatives ignored the attacks and stuck with Trump. They knew he was far better than the alternatives.

Trump, like Tate, was banished from social media because it was too dangerous to allow him to speak freely.

TikTok is the most popular platform for young Americans, but conservatives are a tiny presence there. Tate is one of the few right-leaning personalities to break through. You don’t have to like everything he says. You don’t have to approve of his lifestyle. And you can certainly find him a braggadocious boor. But none of these reasons justify his ban.

Big Tech silenced him because they don’t want young Americans to hear any dissent from wokeness. The tech giants don’t want young men to embrace masculinity—they want them researching vasectomies and neutering their natural instincts. They don’t want kids to hear about the dangers of demographic replacement and mass immigration—they want to brainwash them into thinking diversity is our strength. They don’t want kids to realize anti-white racism pervades our society—they want them to think we live in a white supremacist society.

Tate, for all of his flaws, is a breath of fresh air from the Matrix. That’s why he was banned. It’s stupid for conservatives to declare war on the one man breaking through the woke programming.

Scott Greer is the host of the “Highly Respected” Podcast


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