It’s official in Washington’s Third Congressional District primary. Joe Kent has taken the lead, and there is no turning back. RINO impeacher Jaime Herrera Beutler is no more.

Liberal Democrat prognosticator Dave Wasserman of the Cook Report confirms it:

And it couldn’t have happened to a nicer lady!

Let’s recall what else Herrera Beutler did for the Republican party and the country.

Herrera Beutler hated MTG and released statements like this:

She was a neocon warmonger:

And who remembers this doozy of a statement?

Well, ding dong the witch is dead. So long, and good riddance.

At first I was like:

Then I was like:

In any case, Jaime Hererra Beutler likely has very little to worry about. The Swamp is busy right now finding her a cushy, open job where she can wax fat and happy for the rest of the days of her life.