San Francisco is at it again.

This time, the crazed city published an application for mentally transsexuals to receive $1,200 per month in Bernie Bucks-style “Universal Basic Income”..

The application featured 97 different gender options to choose from. Gotta catch ’em all:

Here is a list of all the pronouns:

The intrepid observer Matt Walsh took notice of a gender option that was quite comical, to say the least.

For your amusement, we have reprinted all of the options one can choose on San Francisco’s application below:


The sexual identities are particularly bizarre:

Apparently Latinx is too reactionary, and “Latine” is in.

Any Revolver readers in San Francisco, be sure to apply as a Gender Nonconforming, He/Him/His, Unknown, Skoliosexual, Latine Travesti and let us know if your application goes through.

Gotta get those Fed Genderbux…