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A number of prominent, Ukraine-critical Twitter accounts were algorithmically handed 12-hour suspensions thanks to the activity of furious and egregious Ukraine bots reporting them to the mods.

Not to worry, Elon was on it.

The behavior of the Ukrainian government, shills, and useful idiots really has been egregious: they demand the right to vacuum up hundreds of billions of your money from corrupt D.C. politicians so they can freely antagonize their gigantic neighbor next door, and then go and report you to the mods if you complain about it.

No, really. Ukraine-bots and their useful idiots in America and Europe will scream at you if you dare to question whether or not America should support their war effort: “racist, sexist, Russian bot, Nazi, communist, quisling,” blah, blah, blah. It’s all so tiresome.

With Russia, everyone knows exactly what we’re getting. Practically nobody believes that Russia is a free and prosperous, successful society. And yet, even though Ukraine is hardly different from its big brother next door, everyone believes they are a vibrant, Western European free democracy — practically the successor to Plato’s Republic. But Ukraine is a country that just banned its largest Christian denomination, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, from existing, even though the families of many fallen soldiers who bravely wore the Ukrainian uniform are desperate to give their loved ones last rites and a proper funeral mass in that very church.

Not to worry, though. The Ukraine internet Twitter warrior mass-reporting campaign was all for naught.

Columbia Bugle:

Maybe these Ukraine shills and useful idiots can take some of the $45 billion Old Man Joe Biden is sending them and try again harder next time.