More and more evidence indicates that the Black Lives Matter gang is highly organized, and not so “spontaneous” as the fake news media has led us to believe.

The New York Post has the scoop.

Surveillance video from outside City Hall appears to show protesters receiving a small shipment of bats before anti-cops activists clashed with officers on the Brooklyn Bridge Wednesday morning.

The delivery was made by a car parked on the street near City Hall, with one man seen retrieving six bats from the trunk, according to the footage provided by sources.

Police sources said the bats were delivered so the anti-cop activists could confront a “unity” rally proceeding over the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan.

The unity rally included clergy, law enforcement and community activists.

It’s unclear if the City Hall protesters used the bats in the wild Brooklyn Bridge brawl between opposing protesters. But at least one was recovered after the dust settled, police sources said. [New York Post]

These agitators are highly trained and funded, and they know exactly what they are doing. As a matter of fact, they are probably funded by a small group of billionaire oligarchs who want to shift our attention away from Wall Street and the Deep State teaming up to plunder America.

The suspected domestic terrorist group Antifa is also highly funded and organized.

READ MORE: Inside Story Of How BLM/ANTIFA Used “Peaceful Protestors” To Take Over Minneapolis

Watch the full video here.

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