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Well, the Supreme Court of the United States has spoken. They ruled in an unprecedented 9-0 decision that President Trump must remain on the ballot in Colorado.

And while this is a massive victory for President Trump, there is a major “hidden” truth that could utterly destroy the left’s plot to take down Trump. The decision shows us that the US hasn’t fallen into total “banana republic” territory yet, despite how hard the left is trying to push us there with this barrage of insane court cases. This is a very big victory for the American people, and that’s precisely how President Trump correctly framed his win.

Norm Eisen, a key player in the Deep State’s plot to destroy President Trump, is in a panic, scrambling to turn this legal nightmare into something the left can still exploit and sink their demonic claws into. Rest assured, they’re already plotting Plan B.

But as the clock keeps ticking, poor Norm is getting more and more wound up over the decision.

Norm’s reached the end of his rope with the “grief” stages and is officially waving the white flag by celebrating this monumental loss. What’s left for him to do? Hit the off button on his social media accounts? Sure, but given his Stage 5 TDS, he’s a desperate man grasping at straws with no other escape plan at the moment.

As the dastardly Norm Eisen demonstrates, even when leftists lose, they try to use the opportunity to denigrate and attack the court, perhaps softening it up for its next big controversial political decision coming down the pike.

See here:

Furthermore, the left’s lawfare, even if seemingly unsuccessful, is part of a greater strategy to distract, divert resources, and slow down the Trump Train.

Indeed, let’s not get too comfortable or think we’re out of the woods yet. The threat of court activism is still very much alive. If the outright ridiculous claims get tossed, watch out for the courts possibly letting the slightly less outlandish ones slide by in an effort to seem “balanced.” Already, we have the woman conservative justice on the court, Amy Coney Barrett, trying to get everybody to tone it down, as if this were a kindergarten playground and not the highest court in the land.

Here is precisely where ACB tries to play tone police:

See a closeup here:

We need to keep in mind the enemies we’re facing: a whole cabal of governmental hooligans in a survival battle, brawling in the metaphorical streets for survival. And even the institutions we rely on, like the Supreme Court, might not be ready to dive into every fray, perhaps choosing instead to let some battles unfold on their own. After all, the left-wing mob mentality still has a great deal of influence and sway over our judicial system, which is why we’re in this mess to begin with.