The forces of evil are truly on the march. Satan has been loosed from his chains and walks among us. Be wary, be vigilant, and be prepared for anything. This is your Riot Roundup for the night of August 24, 2020.

Charlotte, NC: Screaming banshees chant “F*** you Jesus,” or perhaps they are actually saying “F*** your Jesus.”

These riots and this chaos are the result of anti-Christ, and the rising spirit of anti-Christ bubbling up from the foul depths of the earth. These rioters hate Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ represents good, beauty, order, reason, and truth. And they have no good in them, no beauty, no order, no reason, and no truth.

In Providence, RI, a horde of white female banshees stalked the streets. It is likely that these younger white women are on the march thanks to the sickening cowardice and weakness of the authorities. Women will often follow those they perceive as the stronger hand. I counted only three black people in the entire video.

Take note of the demographics of these crowds. In many places it is overwhelmingly white women, especially during the daytime. These women are very confused, with their heads full of Instagram and their blood coursing with SSRIs and birth control pills.

At night, more of the opportunistic and violent creatures come out to play. Young angry black men with no fathers. Young angry white men with weak fathers. Drug addicts. Sex addicts. Whores. Transsexuals.

The Deep State is betting that once they consolidate power, they can put all of these freaks back on a leash. The police certainly have enough fancy toys and funding to put a complete and total stop to this madness. If the Deep State takes back power, they will sic the police on the riffraff so fast your head will spin.

I don’t know if they will be able to put the tube back in the toothpaste, though. It certainly didn’t work out too well for Robespierre.

In DC, the Black Lives Matter gang viciously harassed citizens who were trying to enjoy a cup of coffee.

But the most devastation occurred in Kenosha, Wisconsin. We detailed day one for you yesterday.

READ MORE: Wisconsin Governor Sides With Looters and Rioters– A Definitive Rundown of the Kenosha Riots (Day One)

Last night, everything was on fire in Kenosha.

Citizens armed with AR-15s stopped rioters from destroying a lot of the cars.

A black woman screamed at a white man who wouldn’t allow the thugs to blow up a gas station.

Pay attention to all of the young white women walking around. This is a result of weak fathers, feminism, and a Marxist education system.

The Satanic banshee mob destroyed random people’s cars.

The entire city was filled with smoke. I wonder if this New York Times reporter will be fired for reporting on the riots in a negative light.

There are educated white women “lady protesters,” and then there is a much rougher element.

The Kenosha loot crew was ready to roll.

What we are seeing here is truly a bioleninist catastrophe. Every person with any kind of deep-seated resentments, anger, or childhood psychological scarring has taken to the streets to try to temporarily soothe placate their own inner turmoil.

Of course, there is another class of trust fund babies and other pampered and entitled brats who may have been neglected by their rich parents. They choose to use their talents and trust fund money to “reign in hell” by organizing these riots and serving as the “princes of the sewer.”

Even Karl Marx had nothing but pure contempt for the lumpenproletariat.

For those unfamiliar with nineteenth century German political lingo, “lumpenproletariat” can be loosely translated to: “social scum,” “dangerous class,” “underclass,” “ragamuffin,” “riff-raff,” “ragged-proletariat,” etc.

“The lumpenproletariat is passive decaying matter of the lowest layers of the old society, is here and there thrust into the [progressive] movement by a proletarian revolution; [however,] in accordance with its whole way of life, it is more likely to sell out to reactionary intrigues. – The Communist Manifesto

Marx describes the lumpenproletariat in the following manner: “Alongside ruined roués with questionable means of support and of dubious origin, degenerate and adventurous scions of the bourgeoisie, there were vagabonds, discharged soldiers, discharged convicts, runaway galley slaves, swindlers, charlatans, lazzaroni, pickpockets, tricksters, gamblers, procurers, brothel keepers, porters, literati, organ grinders, rag-pickers, knife-grinders, tinkers, beggars; in short, the entirely undefined, disintegrating mass, thrown hither and yon, which the French call la bohème.” – “The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon,” 1852 [Stopping Socialism]

I don’t advise we have contempt for these poor souls. I advise we get down on our knees and beg God to pour forth his grace into their lives so they repent, and God may save our nation from complete and total ruin. Truly, the dregs of the earth are not to blame. The ruling class has engineered this crisis by destroying everything with a phony COVID-19 lockdown that has put millions out of work and created millions of new opiate addicts and criminals.

Here’s the aftermath in Kenosha. The Silent Majority is being absolutely devastated by these riots. You might shed a few tears watching these good people who were totally devastated by the tantrums of the lumpenproletariat.

Total carnage in Kenosha.

These rioters are truly doing the bidding of the Deep State by destroying small businesses, whether they know it or not (they don’t).

God bless America, and God save us and the good people from chaos. Now is the time to don sackcloth and ashes and beg for God to deliver us from this chastisement.

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