America’s journalist class took the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict hard, to say the least.

The Kenosha jury’s acquittal of Rittenhouse was a severe defeat for the constellation of newspapers, TV channels, blogs, and Twitter bluechecks who are America’s self-appointed checkers of fact and setters of narrative. They came close to victory. Their power was nearly enough to send a teenager to prison for murder, even though he had done nothing wrong and there were absolutely zero factual disputes in play.

But criminal juries are one of the only things left in America where the left’s dominance of the airwaves and institutions counts for nothing. A jury can look at the facts and decide for itself, and if they acquit, there is nothing the left can do about it.

Make no mistake, though: Despite its happy ending, the Rittenhouse trial still makes it plain that America is a media-run state.

The “media state” doesn’t manifest through the press holding executive power. They don’t write laws or directly enforce them. Rather, the media state consists in its power to define what reality actually is in the first place.

Why is Russia America’s chief international bogeyman? Because the press erects an international reality that centers around Russian “collusion” and “interference,” where Russian operatives roam the globe shooting diplomats with laser beams that cause “Havana Syndrome.”

No actual evidence exists for Havana Syndrome or collusion, but the press has memed them both into being, so America spent most of the Trump Administration hunting collusion, and now may pass new laws penalizing Russia for Havana Syndrome. American law is dictated by the obsessions of a delusional journalist class.

Similarly, why is America in a permanent Maoist revolution over “racism”? Again, the single most powerful driving force is an invented media narrative. Only about a dozen unarmed black men are shot dead each year by police, but most “very liberal” people think the number is in the thousands, or even tens of thousands. The only reason for this is a press that treats every day as a new chance to celebrate criminals, slam police, and vilify white people as a race.

The effort to imprison Kyle Rittenhouse was a test of just how far the press’s power to invent reality could go. Within 48 hours of the Kenosha shooting, the following facts were clear:

  • Joseph Rosenbaum attacked Rittenhouse before being shot.
  • Anthony Huber and Gaige Grosskreutz attacked Rittenhouse before being shot.
  • Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing to provoke either attack, and never tried to harm anybody else.
  • Kyle Rittenhouse was legally allowed to carry his gun, and did not take it “across state lines.”
  • Rittenhouse showed no signs of being a “white supremacist.”
  • Every single person involved in this drama was white.

And yet, in flagrant disregard for facts that were obvious from day 1, the press created what was in effect an entire alternate reality for the Rittenhouse case. In this alternate reality, there were no Kenosha riots and Rittenhouse was a white supremacist spree shooter, whose victims were unarmed blacks peacefully protesting against racism.

This wasn’t mere deceit. The press’s “white supremacist spree killer” narrative became so entrenched and so repetitive that it’s quite likely a great many journalists actually did not know the truth. Consider Nikole Hannah-Jones, NYT writer, Pulitzer winner, and MacArthur “””””genius””””” (one cannot put enough quotation marks around that word).

Hannah-Jones’s comment is so oblivious it can’t really be chalked up to mendacity. She is just a relatively dim, uncurious progressive, happy to sit in her sinecure (have you noticed she hasn’t published anything in 16 months?) and denounce America for racism. And being both physically and mentally lazy, it was easy for her to sit in a press bubble and believe wholesale nonsense.

That, to greater and lesser degrees, is the entire American ruling class. The press’s alternate reality was so strong that it drove Kenosha DA Michael Graveley to file unjust murder charges. It was so strong that the Biden Administration had to publicly mourn Friday’s verdict.

It was so strong that Judge Bruce Schroeder lived in fear of the rage that might be unleashed by a completely fictional reality. He expressed that fear during the trial itself.

“I’m gonna think long and hard about live television at trial again, next time,” Schroeder said Wednesday. “I’ve always been a firm believer in it because I believe the people should be able to see what’s going on. But when I see what’s being done, it’s really quite frightening.” Specifically, Schroeder seemed to take issue with some of the reactions to his unusual method of selecting the final 12 jurors who will decide the fate of the 18-year-old Rittenhouse. … Schroeder felt compelled to defend the method on Wednesday, arguing that critics were trying to “undermine the result of the trial.”

Schroeder then continued to rail against the media, lamenting what he called the “grossly irresponsible handling of what comes out of this trial.” He defended, once more, his controversial pretrial ruling prohibiting attorneys from using the word “victim” to describe the men shot by Rittenhouse, while saying that “rioters,” “looters” or “arsonists” could potentially be used.

“Is it so difficult to just use the term ‘complaining witness’ instead of prejudging what the jury is here to determine, as to whether there was a victim and whether there was a crime committed?” he asked. [Yahoo News]

Near the trial’s end, Schroeder even had to ban MSNBC from the courtroom after one of NBC’s freelance journalists allegedly stalked the jury’s bus. He recognized that, thanks to the media’s invented narrative of the trial, it was easily possible that they would inspire violent attacks on jurors for rending a just verdict.

This alternate reality persisted all the way until acquittal. During the trial, many Twitter onlookers mentioned their surprise upon learning how obvious the self-defense claim was, and how contrary to what they had believed for a whole year, none of the people shot by Rittenhouse were black.

For many, even acquittal wasn’t enough to dispel the alternate universe they lived in.

And going forward, it’s entirely possible that the fake reality around Kenosha will reshape American law. Already, progressives are talking about the need to rewrite the nation’s self-defense laws to make sure future Kyles Rittenhouse go to prison:

We could deny the right to act in self-defense to people who illegally possess a weapon and are in a place where they are not allowed to be. We could also restore the requirement that before someone has the right to use deadly force, they have a duty to retreat.

We could make self-defense an affirmative defense that must be proven by the defense by clear and convincing evidence, not disproven beyond a reasonable doubt by the prosecution. One of the challenges facing prosecutors in the Rittenhouse case is that once the issue of self-defense is raised, the law requires them to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act in self-defense. It is fair and reasonable to require that the person who felt privileged to use self-defense bear the burden of persuading the jury that they acted in self-defense.

We could prohibit testimony that the defendant feared that the weapon they were carrying could be used against them. [Wisconsin State Journal]

State laws may change across the whole country, to placate anger over a fake narrative invented by a vengeful, anti-white, mentally ill press. The media are quite simply the chief vanguards and enablers of the Globalist American Empire and its multi-faceted, intensifying war against patriotic American citizens. There’s a reason President Trump called this corrupt institution the Enemy of the People. It’s a lesson we would do best never to forget.