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As most of you know, Senator John Fetterman was just released from a months-long mental health stint in a hospital, where he was treated for severe depression. He’s hardly been out, and he’s already managed to shock Americans—again. This time it’s with a bizarre “420 tweet” which glorifies smoking pot.

What on earth… did he make that banner during craft class at the Capitol?

Of course, there will be people who find Fetterman’s tweet amusing, but that’s probably because they’re high as a kite. The reality is this: Marijuana has been shown to be linked to depression, and given Mr. Fetterman’s dark and disturbing history with this very serious condition, perhaps he should reconsider pushing the drug on Twitter like a 17-year-old adolescent boy.

Mayo Clinic:

Some research suggests that marijuana smokers are diagnosed with depression more often than nonsmokers are — particularly regular or heavy marijuana users. However, it doesn’t appear that marijuana directly causes depression.

It’s likely that the genetic, environmental or other factors that trigger depression also lead to marijuana use. Some people with depression may use marijuana as a way to detach from their depressive symptoms. Heavy users may appear depressed as a result of the dulling effects of the drug on feelings and emotions.

There also are links between marijuana and other mental health conditions. Marijuana use may trigger schizophrenia or detachment from reality (psychosis) in people who are at higher risk of psychosis. The symptoms of diagnosed psychotic illness may be aggravated if marijuana use continues.

There also is some evidence that teenagers who attempt suicide may be more likely to have used marijuana than those who have not made an attempt. As with marijuana use and depression, more research is needed to better understand these associations.

The bottom line: Marijuana use and depression accompany each other more often than you might expect by chance, but there’s no clear evidence that marijuana directly causes depression.

Besides the fact that Fetterman is not practicing what he preaches, this type of tweet is very unbecoming of a US senator. We get it, he wants to express himself, that’s fine,  but it’s quite another to dress and behave like a sloppy, dorky teenager.

Here’s what some folks are saying online about this tweet:

“This is who you elected, Pennsylvania. Congrats.”

“Maybe you should put down the bong. It’s impairing your ability to think and speak.”

“Dude, you’re dumb enough, you really shouldn’t be killing any more brain cells.”

“The position of a senator is supposed to be one of the most well-respected, honorable positions in the country. We’ve gone so far downhill that it’s been reduced to a vegetable wearing basketball shorts holding a banner encouraging drug use. Pathetic.”

This stunt, along with all the other baggage Fetterman brings to the table, has many wondering if he’s really fit to serve in the Senate.

The consensus online is “no.”



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