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Social media influencer and “destranstioner” Oli London shared a disturbing tweet that featured a 6’3″ transvestite man dressed up as a ballerina. The image of a hulking man in a tutu is enough to scare the bejeezus out of anybody, but there’s much more to this story than meets the eye. The “ballerina” goes by the name “Sophie Rebecca,” and he was accepted into the very prestigious Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) back in 2017.

You’re probably thinking Mr. Rebecca is some sort of gigantic ballet prodigy, right? After all, the Royal Academy of Dance only accepts the best, which is why they’re considered the most influential dance and education training organization in the world. Everyone knows only the crème de la crème are accepted into RAD…


Well, you be the judge…

Does Mr. Rebecca look like the cream of the ballet crop to you, or an SNL skit gone bad?

Most sane people would say “SNL skit,” hands down, and they’d be right. In actuality, Mr. Rebecca is a mediocre “ballerina” at best, and was obviously accepted into RAD simply because he’s the left’s new trend du jour.  In today’s clown world, it would actually be unthinkable not to accept Mr. Sophie Rebecca as a dainty world-class ballerina.

And after accepting Mr. Rebecca, RAD was able to relax and bask in the glow of progressive adulation and self-satisfaction, even though their once-perfect reputation was now circling the drain.

Perhaps the real travesty in all of this, is that a qualified female, who isn’t playing “dress up,” wasn’t chosen. Men are steamrolling women in every way imaginable.

Here’s what Oli said about Sophie Rebecca:

Meet the 6ft 3 man, Sophie Rebecca, with a mediocre talent for Ballet, who was accepted to the prestigious Royal Academy of Dance back in 2017- one of the worlds top ballet schools.

1000’s of extremely talented women and girls apply for this academy each year, and the majority of them do not get a place. Yet a man with, at best, a mediocre ability to dance gets a place!” #transgender

Here’s a closeup of Mr. Rebecca’s ballerina photos.



Below is a photo of Mr. Rebecca’s gigantic gunboats.

And here’s Mr. Rebecca with a fellow dainty dancer.

Cleary, this man has zero talent and is a lumbering “punchline” every time he sets foot on stage.

However, what’s most disturbing is that he couldn’t care less that he stole a spot from a real woman who probably worked her butt off since the age of five to realize her dream.


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