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There’s no denying it — times and people have drastically changed in a relatively short period of time. Back in the 70s and 80s kids were adventure-seekers. They spent all day outside riding bikes, using their imaginations, socializing, horsing around, and they didn’t come home until the street lights came on.

That was the closest thing to unadulterated freedom that most of us will ever experience.

Back in the 80s, if kids “hated” their parents, mom and dad were fine with that. The only thing 70s and 80s parents cared about was that their child grew up to be a decent citizen who didn’t ruin their life or anyone else’s.

However, these days, the roles are reversed. Parents are now scared to death of their kids, so they coddle and pamper them and cater to every insane whim because they desperately want to be “liked” by their children.

But why the sudden change?

Well, that’s the real kicker. It turns out that those freedom-loving/adventure-seeking 80s kids actually grew up to be freedom-crushing “helicopter parents,” who smothered the living bejeezus out their kids, and desperately sought their approval and affection in very unhealthy ways.

This overbearing and emotionally-charged parenting style from children of the 80s was a direct response to their own upbringing. Most kids in the 70s and 80s had Silent Generation or Boomer parents who largely ignored them. As a result, these kids felt unloved and invisible. Back in those days, children were to be seen and not heard. And you lived by the “suck it up” attitude. If you fell off your bike and cracked your head open on the pavement, you sopped the blood up with your sock and kept on peddling, dammit.

Most Gen Xers can relate to that “shake it off” mentality which was drilled into 80s kids at a very early age. There was both strength and sadness in that type of life lesson, and it defined an entire generation.

After being raised by cold Silent Generation and Boomer parents, 80s kids had a decision to make: they could grow up to be strict and distant parents or obsessive and needy ones. They choose the latter. However, there was a much better middle ground that was never explored — a combination of strict and loving. What a concept, right?

But sadly, we’ve become a country of extremes, not common sense middle ground.

And as a result of this extreme pampering and obsessive parenting, Gen X accidentally raised children who grew up in a protective little “safe bubble,” petrified of their own shadows.

Kids went from being risk-taking renegades to gigantic wussies in a very short span of time. Matt Walsh, a Millennial himself, actually discussed this topic in a recent podcast.

In addition, this interesting new study shows what can happen when you overly pamper and coddle your kids — it turns out that most Zoomers are now afraid of tasking “risks.”

Here’s a closeup of the image:


This anti-risk mindset plays directly into the “wussification” of America. We’re no longer a nation of fearless adventurers. Today’s younger generations are effeminate scaredy-cats, whose riskiest decision is deciding which bathroom to use.

America simply can’t thrive or survive with this type of fearful, stagnant mindset.


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