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President Trump sat down with Fox News host Tucker Carlson for his first one-on-one interview since the sham politically-driven arrest.

Tucker and Trump spent about an hour together, and in that time, President Trump revealed a lot – many things that will likely have the Regime pulling out their hair.

Arguably, one of the most powerful moments from this bombshell interview was when President Trump revealed to Tucker that China and Russia are not our biggest threats…

Trump believes America’s biggest threat comes from within.

Amen to that.

And while Joe Biden is hobbling around the country screeching about “global warming,” President Trump says the real immediate threat is actually nuclear.

And sadly, if we did have to defend ourselves against foreign enemies, President Trump says we’re not ready, thanks to Biden for giving our military away to Ukraine (and Afghanistan).

And speaking of Afghanistan, Trump called out the “idiots” in the Biden admin for leaving behind American citizens, and $85 billion dollars worth of US military equipment – and the deaths of 13 US heroes.


Trump is surging in the polls after his sham politically-driven arrest, and when asked about his growing popularity, Trump’s response was perfect. He says the American people “get it.” They understand what’s really going on.

President Trump knows Dems don’t want to run against him. In a fair fight, he wins every time.

However, no matter what the Dems throw at him – and there will be a lot more – President Trump vows he’ll never drop out of the race.


As for 2024, Trump doesn’t believe Biden could make it through a campaign, even if he wanted to.

It was apparent that Trump truly impressed Tucker throughout the interview. Especially when it came to foreign policy.

President Trump’s understanding of world affairs blew Tucker away. He complimented Trump’s grasp on foreign affairs, calling it “nuanced and sophisticated” and most importantly, pro-American – something these moron warmongers know nothing about.

However, I think Trump caught Tucker by surprise with his comments on Gavin Newsom. The Art of the Deal means dealing with people, after all, so long as you win in the end.

Tucker then went on to point out how the propaganda media and establishment warmongers have lectured us on the dangers of President Trump, calling him a lunatic and a “threat to democracy,” while Joe Biden destroys the country from within and inches us closer to WW3.

Who’s the real “lunatic”?

Who is the dangerous lunatic? Very good question, Tucker, and most of us know the answer. However, our media and establishment politicians think Americans are stupid enough to believe it’s Trump.

Speaking of bombs, this was so funny:

You can watch the full interview here:

This was an excellent interview from Tucker and President Trump continues to hit his stride and expand his leadership.

One Twitter user said the following after watching the interview, “Trump absolutely killed it on Tucker. This is what Presidential looks like. This is how a true leader should act.”


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