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President Trump is wasting no time putting forth slews of America First policy proposals; as he eyes his big political comeback in 2024. Trump’s latest proposal tackles the homeless crisis that’s plaguing Dem-run cities.

President Trump has come up with a plan to end the progressive zombie apocalypse that’s taking over the country.

NBC News:

In a video on homelessness released by his campaign, Trump says that “our first consideration should be the rights and safety of the hardworking, law-abiding citizens who make our society function.” And Trump criticized many cities’ policies on homelessness for “making many suffer for the whims of a deeply unwell few.”

Central to his policy would be to “ban urban camping” and the creation of “tent cities” on “inexpensive land” for homeless people that will be staffed with doctors and social workers to help people address systemic problems. That said, he also cast doubt on whether people would take him up on that offer, saying “many of them don’t want that, but we will give them the option.”

And in an interview with Breitbart News, Trump said he would nix the Biden administration’s recent decision to expand health care coverage for undocumented immigrants who qualify under the DACA program. Money saved from doing so, Trump says, coupled with the money his administration would amass from “ending mass unskilled migration” would help fund these policies.

In short, Trump wants to help  mentally sick and drug-addicted Americans get the treatment they need so they can get well. However, if they refuse treatment and won’t leave the sidewalk, they will be arrested.

Fair enough.

This is the correct course of action and should’ve been done by Democrat city leaders eons ago.

President Trump is correct – something must be done to solve the homeless nightmare and unfortunately we can’t rely on Democrats to fix the plague they created.

For example, take a look at the once-charming and quaint city of Portland, Oregon. These days it looks like a campground in a garbage dump.

This is what left-wing politics does to America.

Sadly, things things are even worse in Philadelphia, the city of “brotherly love.” Actually, there’s nothing “lovely” about it. In truth, the city looks like “The Walking Dead,” thanks to drugs, mental illness, and failed Democrat polices.

This clip was shot near the “Liberty Bell.” How would you like to walk past this horror scene on vacation with your family?

This is Philly at Kensington and Clearfield. It looks like a third-world sh*thole.

Meanwhile, we’re sending billions to Ukraine, while America cities rot from the inside out.

Ironically, glitzy, sparkly Los Angelos could be the worst hopeless hellscape of them all.

The mentally ill and addicts confined to Skid Row don’t stand a chance – not unless somebody like President Trump actually does something to help them.

Democrat polices should come with a warning label: using this product may cause harm or death.

However, the good news is that as we edge closer to the official start of primary season, President Trump is hitting his stride. Trump understands the issues that impact average Americans, and he’s offering common sense solutions.

How refreshing.


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