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The Bud Light backlash continues after they did the unthinkable and paired up with controversial transgender TikTok influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

Bud Light draws backlash after promoting trans activist Dylan Mulvaney - MarketWatch

RELATED: Here’s the VP of Bud Light marketing — and suddenly EVERYTHING makes perfect sense…

Americans are tired of corporations pushing progressive politics and unpopular social issues down everybody’s gullets.


Bud Light has not released any social media posts since its partnership with a transgender influencer and activist stirred a backlash online and calls for a boycott of the product.

The beer brand has not posted on its Twitter account since April 2, its Instagram account since April 1, and its Facebook page since March 30. On April 2, Dylan Mulvaney posted a video to her 1.7 million Instagram followers in which she explained that Bud Light had sent her a personalized can with her face on it to commemorate 365 days of being a girl.

The row over transgender brand ambassadors is symbolic of a wider debate about the inclusion of transgender women in female issues and spaces. Some say transgender women should be treated the same as other women, while others say they are different and that hard-won women’s rights must be protected.

So, what prompted Bud Light to commit brand suicide?

Well, it was likely their marketing VP, Alissa Gordon Heinerscheid who drove the company off the cliff, “Thelma and Louise” style.

Alissa’s woke mindset could be the final nail in the Bud Light coffin.


In terms of marketing and PR, the absolute last thing you want to do is alienate your loyal customer base in order to go after a small fringe group who are iffy, at best. This is marketing 101 stuff, folks. However, “woke Alissa” has double and tripled down on this type of disastrous marketing plan in order to create a new customer base filled with trannies and women to save the failing brand.

If anything, this insane plan of hers was more than likely the final death blow to the “Queen of Beers.”

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If this woman possessed an ounce of actual business and marketing savvy, she would have shelved the kooky progressive politics and researched her current customer base, which unfortunately for her, is likely white males. Her next smartest move would have been focusing on attracting young white male beer drinkers with a sexy female spokesmodel campaign — not an 80-pound twinkle toes playing dress up in his mother’s closet.

But that’s the problem with  these “woke” liberals: ideology and politics always take precedence over common sense and “reality checks.”

Bud Light is already having to walk back its partnership with Mulvaney, according to Newsweek, albeit in a sort of backhanded way:

During the turmoil that followed, Bud Light’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch, supported the brand’s decision. A spokesperson said that it would continue to collaborate with a wide range of influencers to reach diverse groups of customers.

“Anheuser-Busch works with hundreds of influencers across our brands as one of many ways to authentically connect with audiences across various demographics,” the spokesperson said in a statement shared with several media outlets last week.

“From time to time, we produce unique commemorative cans for fans and for brand influencers, like Dylan Mulvaney. This commemorative can was a gift to celebrate a personal milestone and is not for sale to the general public.”

According to global entrepreneurship magazine Vizaca, Heinerscheid attended Harvard for undergrad and studied English Language and Literature/Letters, and then Wharton for business school, so it’s no mystery where she got her bright “woke” ideas for Bud Light.

Just because the woke ruling class lives in a protective bubble doesn’t mean the rest of us do. In addition, going to Wharton  doesn’t automatically make you a “businesswoman.” Alissa’s bosses are finding that out the hard — and very expensive — way.


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