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Easter is the most important holiday to Christians all over the world. It is the day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

This is where the term “He is Risen” comes from.

For Catholics, this is a very special and significant time. Holy Week marks the end of Lent. It begins on Palm Sunday – a week before Easter.

During Holy Week, Catholics participate in the Passion of Jesus Christ – marking his arrival in Jerusalem and leading up to his crucifixion. It’s a very powerful and significant time for Catholics and all Christians.

So, you can imagine how taken aback a group of priests were when Walter Reed National Military Medical Center terminated their two-decades long relationship during sacred Holy Week.

The priests had been providing pastoral care to sick and dying vets for twenty years, and that all came to an abrupt end with a cold “cease and desist letter” from Walter Reed.


 Walter Reed National Military Medical Center has issued a “cease and desist order” to Holy Name College, a community of Franciscan Catholic priests and brothers, who have provided pastoral care to service members and veterans at Walter Reed for nearly two decades.

The government’s cease and desist order directed the Catholic priests to cease any religious services at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. This order was issued as Catholics entered Holy Week, the most sacred of days in the Christian faith, in which they participate in liturgies remembering Jesus’ passion, and leading the Church to celebrate the Resurrection on Easter morning.

It’s bad enough what Walter Reed is doing to the priests who served faithfully for two decades, but what they’re subjecting sick, lonely, and scared vets is 100 times worse.

The Franciscans’ contract for Catholic Pastoral Care was terminated on March 31, 2023, and awarded to a secular defense contracting firm that cannot fulfill the statement of work in the contract. As a result, adequate pastoral care is not available for service members and veterans in the United States’ largest Defense Health Agency medical center either during Holy Week or beyond. There is one Catholic Army chaplain assigned to Walter Reed Medical Center, but he is in the process of separating from the Army.

It’s unclear why this change was made, especially during Holy Week, but one Archbishop suggested it was a “lowest bidder” situation.

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, J.C.D., Archbishop for the Military Services, condemned the move as an encroachment on the First Amendment guarantee of the Free Exercise of Religion. Archbishop Broglio said:  “It is incomprehensible that essential pastoral care is taken away from the sick and the aged when it was so readily available.  This is a classic case where the adage ‘if it is not broken, do not fix it’ applies.  I fear that giving a contract to the lowest bidder overlooked the fact that the bidder cannot provide the necessary service.  I earnestly hope that this disdain for the sick will be remedied at once and their First Amendment rights will be respected.”

Many Americans are likely questioning why we can afford to send billions to Ukraine, but we can’t afford to provide loving, consistent pastoral care to our sick and dying vets.

It’s a legitimate question that deserves an answer.


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