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In the early evening hours, on a street in North Carolina, a tragedy unfolded that has left an entire community, and the country in shock. A 24-year-old man by the name of Robert Singletary, allegedly shot a six-year-old girl and her parents after a basketball rolled onto his property.

According to witnesses, the Singletary was furious over this ball rolling on his property and started running down the street, firing his weapon.

The father was most seriously injured and is still hospitalized. The mother was grazed by a bullet and treated and released. 6-year-old Kingsley White is home now with her mother, and stitches on her little face.

Young Kingsley gave a rather emotional response to what happened, asking the shooter, “Why did you shoot my daddy and me? Why did you shoot a kid’s dad?


ABC News:

The Gaston County Police Department received a 911 call at 7:44 p.m. on Tuesday about a local shooting. Investigators later determined that 24-year-old Robert Louis Singletary seriously injured one adult male and one juvenile female and that a separate female was grazed by a bullet while a second adult male was shot.

The father, William White, is a hero who took the brunt of the shots so he cold save his family.

Family members say William White tried to draw gunfire towards himself to protect his family as Singletary unloaded an entire magazine toward his neighbor. White was shot in the back in his own front yard, according to his partner Ashley Hilderbrand.

“He looked at my husband and my daughter and told them, ‘I’m going to kill you,’” Hilderbrand said.

Gaston County Police have multiple warrants for Singletary’s arrest. He is charged with four counts of attempted murder, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon.

This thug is a criminal with a very recent violent past, yet he was allowed to live amongst decent people.

In December, Singletary was separately charged with assaulting his girlfriend with a mini sledgehammer, leading her to bleed profusely from the back of the head and forcing her inside an apartment for two hours.

Despite the shocking severity of this crime and the ongoing manhunt for Robert, there has been a a rather conspicuous silence from our friends in the mainstream media. Cases that don’t involve black perpetrators routinely dominate the headlines, but this shocking story has been largely ignored.

We all know why…

Check out the image the Washington Post chose to run on this story:

This is how the lying media (intentionally?) tries to whip black people and liberals into a BLM-style foaming-at-the-mouth mob by emphasizing certain stories and downplaying others.

This clever political cartoon captures the dynamic perfectly:

We used to have a country.

Here’s Don LeMON covering a different story where the races were reversed:

They actually brought a BLM-loving Antifa Satanist to explain how “old white people bad, mkay”:

The lack of coverage on the Singletary story has sparked righteous outrage among Americans who just want the media to report the news without all of these progressive filters attached, for crying out loud.

As with so many other cases like this one, the crime doesn’t fit the usual narrative of race or politics that drives our propaganda media. If the shooter was white and the family was black, this case would be a 24/7 media bonanza.

But it’s not, so we get crickets.

As Singletary awaits trial, it’s important to remember the victims and their families who are grappling with the aftermath of this horrific crime. And sadly, it’s now up to us to report on these types of stories and spread them like wildfire, simply because the media refuses to do their job.


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