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They’re coming for your kids, America. Some may view this as an exaggeration, but the reality is that the LGBTQ movement is increasingly targeting children. There’s now an army of teachers who prioritize converting children into pint-sized LGBTQ soldiers over teaching them fundamental skills like reading, writing, and arithmetic.

To many concerned Americans, the behavior from the LGBTQ movement and its transgender craze resembles that of a cult. The movement’s “grooming” and “recruiting” tactics have raised alarm bells and left many people uneasy.

Online pro-child advocate Chaya Raichik, who operates the “Libs of TikTok” account on Twitter, has been speaking out against this grooming and targeting of kids for quite some time. Here’s what she said during her appearance with Tucker Carlson on his former  “Tucker Carlson Today” show that appeared on Fox Nation:

“There’s something so unique about — the LGBTQ community has become this cult and it’s so captivating and it pulls people in so strongly unlike anything we’ve ever seen and they brainwash people to join. They convince them of all of these things. And it’s really hard to get out of it.”

“There are a lot of parents who let their kids [express their gender identity]. And there are a lot of parents who are grooming their kids into doing this,” Raichik said. “There are a lot of parents who are told that either you have a dead kid or you have a trans kid, so it’s really coming from higher up than just the parents.”

And they convince them of all these things and it’s really, really hard to get out of it. It’s really difficult.

I think they’re evil. And sometimes we try to break it down a lot and we discuss why this is happening, what’s happening, whatever, and I think sometimes the simplest answer is they’re just evil.

They’re bad people. They’re evil people. And they want to groom kids. They’re recruiting.”

When the left hears the harsh reality spoken aloud, they become incensed and always take cover and deflect by calling it “racist” or “bigoted.”

But sadly, what Chaya Raichik said was right and a whopping 70% of gay people actually agree with her. They believe the LGBTQ movement has turned into a full-blown cult.

Chaya’s warning about the grooming tactics is also proving to be spot-on. A video has surfaced showing a school teacher in a classroom adorned with LGBTQ decorations, indoctrinating his colleagues to become “LGBTQ allies” to groom children into accepting the LGBTQ ideology as a new religion.

It’s a double standard: if anyone were to teach your child about their personal sexuality without your permission, they’d likely face arrest. Yet, when a school district does it, it’s somehow classified as “education.”


Consider taking your kids out of public schools, if you can. If not, make sure to stay on top of what’s happening in the classroom. Inspect it, check your child’s work, and ask them questions. It’s important to be vigilant against this type of sophisticated targeting and grooming.