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Gunmaker Heckler & Koch inserted themselves into the “woke beer wars” by showing support for Miller Lite’s cringeworthy feminist campaign against the use of “sexy women” in product promotions. HK praised Miller Lite for their decision not to employ sexy “bunnies” in their beer advertisements. The gunmaker took it a step further the following day, issuing a second tweet denouncing such “objectifying” advertising campaigns as “trash marketing.”

Wow- woke? Allow me to translate: objectifying women was never a good marketing strategy. In the firearms industry, that was a prominent strategy up until recently. Many industries have done that (including beer corps).

As an actual woman typing this, I’ll use more words for you to comprehend: using bunnies to sell products is trash marketing. Supporting women by not doing that is good.

Needless to say, all hysterical tweets from the HK PR employee have since been deleted.

Here are a couple of screenshots of the tweets before they were removed:



This is the frumpy Miller Lite ad HK is supporting:

To make matters worse for HK, the woman suspected of writing the deleted tweets has found herself in the spotlight. Despite her finger-wagging and lecturing about the “objectification” of women in the gun industry, it’s ironic to note that she herself is a former bikini model.

UPDATE: Turns out the former bikini model did NOT write the tweets.



The debate over past “sexy” ads has gone off the rails. It’s not about whether the old ads were “wholesome” or anything like that. It’s not an either-or situation of either soft-core pornography or aggressive feminist nags. There’s a middle ground that these companies could aim for in their ads, one that embodies wholesomeness and masculinity or femininity, depending on the brand and product.

The current trendy idea that the consuming public wants a nagging lecture from their favorite brand on anything from “bunnies” to politics is completely detached and divorced from reality. Major corporations had better fire their female-dominated marketing teams, stat, if they want to stop stepping on woke landmines.