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NBC News employs two individuals on their team, Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny, who have a reputation for being smear artists. Although they present themselves as “disinformation specialists,” their true purpose is to smear anyone who questions the globalist narrative by accusing them of spreading “mis-, dis-, and malinformation.” Unfortunately for Comcast, the massive conglomerate that owns NBC News, the outlet is currently facing intense scrutiny after one of their writers, Rebecca Shabad, published false information and fake news about a compassionate mother in Montana whose daughter had previously struggled with suicidal thoughts.

That’s right: NBC News just got hoisted on their own disinformation petard.

Here’s the story:

In March, while discussing a bill in Montana that aimed to protect minors with gender dysphoria, Republican State Representative Kerri Seekins-Crowe talked about how her own family had dealt with mental health problems. Here’s what Seekins-Crow said on the House floor:

“One of the big issues that we have heard today, and we’ve talked about lately, is that without surgery, the risk of suicide goes way up. Well, I am one of those parents who lived with a daughter who was suicidal for three years,” Seekins-Crowe said on the House floor. “Someone once asked me, ‘Wouldn’t I just do anything to help save her?’ And I really had to think, and the answer was, ‘No.’”

Even though Ms. Seekins-Crowe never said that her daughter was a “transgender,” NBC still decided to run this headline claiming that she was.

A Montana lawmaker suggested she’d rather risk her child’s suicide than let her transition

And this is the article summary that NBC News published:

State Rep. Kerri Seekins-Crowe said in a floor debate in March that her daughter “was suicidal for three years” and when asked if she’d do anything to save her, her answer was “no.”

Complete and total hogwash.

The Federalist:

One Montana lawmaker and mother in Billings is at the center of a routine harassment campaign from NBC News accusing her of preferring a daughter who pursued suicide over transgenderism.

While the Montana representative said nothing about her daughter flirting with transgenderism, NBC News ran with the manufactured narrative anyway.

“A recent comment by a Montana state lawmaker who sponsored legislation to ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors has gone viral and drawn backlash online,” NBC reported last week. “State Rep. Kerri Seekins-Crowe, a Republican, suggested during a floor debate that she would rather risk her daughter dying by suicide than allow her to transition.”

Seekins-Crowe told The Federalist that NBC ran the story before reaching out for comment.

“Their interest right now is to damage me, to damage my family,” Seekins-Crowe said. “To them, destroying somebody who is against their agenda is a feather in their cap.”

The lawmaker’s daughter, now active in the military, wrapped up a deployment last week as her family faces a deluge of harassing messages sparked by the left-wing outrage machine.

The Montana representative said nothing about her daughter transitioning, yet NBC News ran with the fake story narrative anyway. Now the poor woman and her family are dealing with death threats.

Isn’t that what Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny call “stochastic terrorism”? Hmmmm…

Here’s a line from the fake NBC story:

“A recent comment by a Montana state lawmaker who sponsored legislation to ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender minors has gone viral and drawn backlash online. State Rep. Kerri Seekins-Crowe, a Republican, suggested during a floor debate that she would rather risk her daughter dying by suicide than allow her to transition.”

That never happened. This entire story was fabricated by Rebecca.

After the damage was already done, NBC added a pointless “clarification” that nobody read, and didn’t even bother to change the outlandish fake news headline:

NBC News later published a “clarification” at the bottom of the story to read, Seekins-Crowe “did not say that her daughter identified as transgender; a reference to her indicating that her daughter was transgender has been removed.”

This is the kind of garbage “news” that comes from an organization that has anointed itself as the purveyor of truth and fairness, while at the same time, accusing others of spreading “disinformation.”

That’s our media, folks — shamelessly rotten at it’s very core.