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The Supreme Court is now considering the case of a 94-year-old black woman from Minneapolis who was left with nothing after the county sold her condominium over a small unpaid tax bill and then kept the entire $40,000. It’s almost too perfect: the lawyer arguing for the government in this case is none other than an anti-Trump “resistance” hero named Neal Katyal. An Obama appointee, Katyal is the legal eagle who the Democrats chose to defend the Voting Rights Act and the Affordable Care Act at the Supreme Court. Katyal was also commissioned by Bill Clinton for a report calling for an increase in pro bono legal work. Besides that, Katyal criticized World War II-era Japanese internment camps on behalf of the Obama administration, and was highly critical of the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay.

The new liberal left now defends stealing homes from tiny, helpless 94-year-old black women. What a comedown.

Here’s what former assistant AG said Jeff Clark said about this unbelievably cruel case (lightly edited by us):

This case before the Supreme Court literally involves a county ripping off a Little Old Lady and taking her property in order to recover a comparatively small tax bill.

Neal Katyal, prominent Dem talking head frequently seen on MSNBC attacking former President Trump now at one of the Nation’s big law firms and raking in a large income, amazingly represented not the Little Old Lady, but the government ripping her off.

It should be hard to square that with the Progressive conscience, which is supposed to fight for the little guy or Little Old Lady.

Instead, progressives place property rights under assault in this country and you can see where elitist Democrats line up—the Little Old Lady be damned.

Is this why Biden wanted those 87,000 IRS agents—to go after little old ladies and rip their houses away?

Fortune Magazine:

The justices seemed in broad agreement with arguments by the lawyer for Geraldine Tyler that Hennepin County, Minnesota, violated the Constitution’s prohibition on the taking of private property without “just compensation.”

“At bottom, she’s saying the county took her property and made a profit on her surplus equity. It belongs to her,” Justice Clarence Thomas said.

Tyler, who now lives in an apartment building for older people, owed $2,300 in unpaid taxes, plus interest and penalties, when the county took title to the one-bedroom apartment in 2015. The county said she did nothing to hold onto her one-time residence. The apartment sold the next year.

Justices Elena Kagan and Neil Gorsuch said the county’s position appeared to be that it could seize million-dollar properties over tiny tax bills.

Neal Katyal, representing the county, said Tyler made clear she wanted nothing to do with the condo in the five years she owed back taxes.

Maybe if the little old American lady was instead an interned Japanese lady or an illegal immigrant or a suspected foreign terrorist held in Guantanamo Bay, Katyal would have sprung to her defense?

Unsurprisingly, there appears to be cross-ideology agreement that this Little Old Lady being got the shaft. Reason:

This morning, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Tyler v. Hennepin County, an important Takings Clause case involving the practice of “home equity theft,” under which local governments can seize the entire value of a property in order to pay off a much smaller delinquent property tax debt. Geraldine Tyler, the plaintiff in the case, is a 94-year-old widow whose home, valued at $40,000, was seized by the County government after she was unable to pay off $15,000 in property taxes, penalties, interest, and fees. The County then proceeded to keep the entire $40,000 for itself, as Minnesota state law allows it to do. Tyler contends this violates the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment, which requires the government to pay “just compensation” anytime it takes private property.

Takings Clause cases often divide opinion along predictable left-right ideological lines. Strikingly, however, this case features a broad cross-ideological coalition supporting the property owner. Ilya Shapiro of the Manhattan Institute (reminder: he is a different person from me), has a helpful summary of the wide range of groups filing amicus briefs supporting Tyler:

Progressive groups such as the Constitutional Accountability Center are aligned with conservative groups such as the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence. The American Civil Liberties Union is on a brief with the Cato Institute. The National Taxpayers Union Foundation, AARP, Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Home Builders, National Association of Realtors, National Consumer Law Center, and Public Citizen have all weighed in to help Tyler, as have disability advocates and four of Minnesota’s congressional representatives. Hennepin County, meanwhile, is supported mainly by state and municipal governments and related associations.

My organization, the Manhattan Institute, joined the Buckeye Institute, the National Federation of Independent Business, and three other groups on a brief supporting Tyler.

It is shameful to see the US government using all its resources to fight against an elderly woman at the Supreme Court over a small, pointless unpaid tax bill. But that’s what our government has become—a weapon used against the “little guy” while the ruling class gets away with murder.