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In today’s society, there is a serious lack of mental and spiritual support, leading to a generation of children growing up feeling confused, depressed, and uncertain of their identity. It’s no wonder children struggle to feel secure and safe when their parents are struggling too. This lack of guidance and morals leaves children vulnerable to mental distress and unfortunately, the trans cult preys on these confused children by convincing them that the only way to be happy is by lopping off their genitals. Their equally depressed and rudderless parents gleefully agree, and a ghoulish “transition” begins that will destroy their lives.

That’s why the movement to de-transition is gaining so much momentum and an increasing number of individuals are coming forward to share their traumatic experiences with transgenderism. This de-transition activist from New York offers a unique perspective on the entire process of “gender transition”.

Albany Update:

[…] the entire process of “gender transition” is based on a lie: The lie that it is possible for a person to change his or her sex. The most that a patient seeking a “gender transition” can do is to change his or her body in an effort to appear more like a member of the opposite sex. Using hormones and surgical procedures to attempt to live out a delusion is highly unlikely to be truly satisfying for anyone.

A few months ago, this former trans Navy SEAL announced his de-transition and called the  transgender ideology a cult.

The de-transition movement continues to gain steam as more victims speak out about their traumatic “transgender” experiences. Despite facing aggressive attacks from radical trans activists, these courageous individuals continue to share their stories. One of the most powerful cautionary tales comes from a young man named David who was on his way to undergo a full castration when two unexpected people intervened and saved his life.

Here’s what David said in his powerful tweet:

When I was in my early 20’s, I went to NYC to get castrated. Then was going to go to Mexico & then Thailand to get more surgery done; maybe even the “final snip”. Two weeks before castration I was on a beach on Coney Island with 2 post-operative transgender “women”. We were having a good time til it got serious, they looked at me and said, “Don’t Do It!”

One said “All my life I thought IF I could just become a woman I’d be happy & I’d find peace & purpose. Now I’m legally & medically a woman but am more miserable now than ever before. I think of taking my life everyday. Please don’t do it to yourself! I just want to die & not exist!”

The other looked at me & said, “I think of taking my life several times a day. Please don’t put yourself in my place. I hate myself for what I’ve done to my body. You don’t want to live like this, feel like this or be like this every single day of your life. Don’t do it!”

I never went to my appointment for castration & I never furthered the process. Major turning point in my life. If not for them, I may have made some more bad choices and mutilated my body. The wrong-sex hormones for 20+ years was enough, but I also had some free-floating silicone injected into my face & body, but I never went further.

The hormones wreaked havoc on my mind & body for many years; the battle with #depression, #anxiety & #PTSD was the least of it. This is not just #physical or #medical, it is #mentally #crippling and a #Spiritual attack as well! Suicide attempts & all!

This Is What I Call My “Spiritual Intervention”… if not for those two post-op transgenders speaking the hard truth to me, then I would not have survived that cult.

I Am Blessed To Be Free!

David got lucky that day on the beach. Sadly, not everyone has the same experience, and instead of getting the mental and spiritual help they need, they are sucked into the trans cult and make permanent decisions that leave them with a lifetime of tremendous regret.

Meet Chloe, who began her transitioning process at tender age of 13-years-old.

New York Post:

“I was failed by the system. I literally lost organs.”

When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the time she was 16 years old.

Now 17, Chloe is one of a growing cohort called “detransitioners” — those who seek to reverse a gender transition, often after realizing they actually do identify with their biological sex. Tragically, many will struggle for the rest of their lives with the irreversible medical consequences of a decision they made as minors.

“I can’t stay quiet,” said Chloe. “I need to do something about this and to share my own cautionary tale.”

We have age restrictions for smoking, drinking, driving, voting, and getting tattoos, yet many on the left believe children can determine their gender identity without question. This is concerning and abusive behavior by the parents who encourage it and they should be locked up for abuse, not praised and celebrated.

In most cases like Chloe’s the child has either been influenced and radicalized by the trans cult or they are suffering from a mental illness, depression, or Gender Dysphoria — a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because they believe there’s a “mismatch” between their biological sex and their gender. This condition is akin to Body Dysphoria, where someone sees a “fat person” in the mirror despite weighing only 95 pounds. All of these illnesses require treatment and intervention, not encouragement.