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The USA is going to hell in a hand basket, it seems. But before you completely give up on America as a lost cause, hold on tight because something good is happening. The tide is finally turning. Righteous people are rising up and pushing back against systemic racism coming from left-wing supremacists who hate white people, and the good guys are winning.

If you’re a white person who’s being racially targeted by a left-wing supremacist, don’t ignore it. Fight back. There are lawyers who will help you, like David Pivtorak, a brilliant attorney who is standing up for white people, and turning the “civil rights movement” on its ear.

The Carousel Substack:

A couple of years ago, an attorney named David Pivtorak decided to do something. Having grown up in the Soviet Union under communism, he could see the signs better than most Americans. He knew where this was headed. So he shifted his practice to do something courageous, something that very few other lawyers were willing to do: use the Civil Rights Act to hold woke entities accountable for discrimination.

Since it’s such a novel and heroic battle, David finds himself often in the news, including appearances on Tucker and Watters. Recent headline cases include:

Lawsuit against American Express for discriminating against white people.
Lawsuit against elite LA private school The Brentwood School for DEI discrimination against Jews.
Lawsuit against aforementioned Glendale Unified School District for firing a teacher who refused to said boys aren’t girls.

The Civil Rights Act was a turning point where many believe the American Dream died. It was the starting point for the rise of the American global rainbow-flag empire. The Civil Rights Act led to a shift in the country’s values and priorities, and destroyed the original concept of the American Dream.

The Civil Rights Act is now used to force formerly-capitalist organizations to operate the way the government wants. We live under this giant legal fiction called Civil Rights law which allows corporations to discriminate openly against whites, straights, Christians, and men, while simultaneously outlawing all discrimination. It is upon this glaring contradiction that David mounts his attack. He now faces open battle against the forces of darkness.

There’s an interview where Pivtorak goes into greater depth that you can watch here:

David Pivtorak is fighting the good fight and battling against the racist left, and the power of his message and his movement is catching on. The recent Starbucks court victory is a perfect example of white people standing up for their rights against targeted discrimination from progressives who hate and disrespect individuals based on their skin color. A New Jersey jury unanimously agreed that a Starbuck’s employee was fired simply because she was white and they awarded her nearly 26 million dollars.

The left may not care about people’s rights, but what they’re doing is called racism and it’s illegal, and it’s high-time they started paying for it.