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Many people are observing the chaos and upheaval, and wondering what’s going on in this country. Despite our supposed “progress” in technology and “social awareness,” American lives are spiraling downwards. Forget about soaring inflation, the unstable housing market, and Joe’s cruddy economy — the even bigger issue is our nation’s health. Americans are getting bigger and bigger, and our health is suffering as a result. Trust for America’s Health reported that four in ten American adults have obesity, and obesity rates continue to climb nationwide and within population groups, according to a report released last year. The report also shows that 19 states have an obesity rate of over and 35 percent. And if you think things are bad for adults, what’s happening to our nation’s kids is even worse.  According to Single Care 19 percent of American kids suffer from obesity, and that number is expected to sharply increase.

Childhood obesity is on the rise, as is mental illness, gender dysmorphia and autism. Healthline reports that 1 in 36 eight-year-olds (2.8%) had autism in 2020 — a jump up from 1 in 44 (2.3%) in 2018.

These numbers are seriously concerning, making you question whether it’s something in our food, our society, or if Big Pharma has such a tight grip on this country that we’re all trapped in an endless loop of illness and medication.

That’s precisely what President Trump wants to know, and he’s vowing to get to the bottom of it and hold Big Pharma’s feet to the fire.

Be sure to watch the whole video:

It’s good to see President Trump speaking up about this. Our nation is in decline on so many levels, and one of the most significant downward spirals is our health, which is ironic considering the advancements in health and wellness. There’s definitely something seriously wrong in the USA.