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I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but there’s been a noticeable difference during this “pride month” compared to previous years. There seems to be a decrease in the number of companies participating, and even those that are involved are keeping it relatively low-key compared to the past. Many companies have chosen not to alter their logos for the month, too, which is incredible.

The left is infuriated by this, as you can clearly see from this article posted in the gay lifestyle magazine Attitude:

As anyone who knows me will agree, I’m not afraid to have a bit of a rant when I’m frustrated. Usually, I keep it to close friends and avoid publicly voicing frustrations. However, as a member of the LGBTQ+ community and a business owner, I have to say I am shocked by how many companies are shunning Pride this year out of fear of backlash.

It infuriates me that people still want to distance themselves from the LGBTQ+ community. We’ve been here since the dawn of time and nothing awful has happened because of the gays. So, what’s the problem? Fear and ignorance.

People seem petrified to celebrate Pride for a myriad of reasons. Disapproving clients, judgement from team members, being seen as only talking about inclusion during Pride month… My own brother wouldn’t reshare a Pride-related LinkedIn post of mine because it was “too political.”

In the politest way possible, f**k that for a game of soldiers!

Homophobia is back with a vengeance, and it’s become more and more noticeable. From riots in the US, brands like Target and Bud Light capitulating to homophobes and transphobes over inclusive campaigns, to full-blown fisty cuffs at PTA meetings the world has gone mad.

It’s gotten so bad, people who used to be all-in on Pride, are now saying, “No thanks. It’s too political.”

I own a workplace wellness business and as a gay man, I was excited at the prospect of celebrating Pride month. My aim was to set up some talks with businesses and open up the conversation around LGBTQ+ topics.

Having spent weeks cultivating a fantastic list of speakers I was (and still am) proud of, I emailed around 500 companies with the offer of a Pride speaker. Cue the tumbleweed gif.

With the exception of a handful, all of whom have now ghosted me, I heard nothing. No one was interested. No one thought this would be the perfect opportunity to educate their team on a plethora of LGBTQ+ topics.

“Budget,” “too political,” “maybe later this year,” are some of the excuses I’ve had so far. Possibly the worst is: “We don’t want to look like we’re just talking about Pride during Pride month.” This was the feedback I was getting from clients. My mind was blown.

A video went viral of a Starbucks employee removing the pride decor.

Starbucks denies that it’s removing homosexual decorations, but the unions are standing firm in their claims.

The Guardian:

Coffee giant Starbucks is caught up in a row with a labor union over claims that workers at some of its stores in the US have been told they cannot put up Pride decorations this year.

The dispute comes as a rightwing backlash against many American businesses sweeps across the US, with conservative activists and consumers attacking expressions of support for LGBTQ+ Americans. Some of the biggest corporate names in the US – such as retailer Target and beer giant Anheuser-Busch – have been hit by boycotts.

It also comes as a wave of legislation has been passed in many Republican-run states eroding the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, especially around the teaching of gay or trans rights issues in schools. According to the Human Rights Campaign, over 520 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced in state legislatures in the US so far in 2023, a record high, including a record passage of 74 of the bills.

Not only businesses, but Americans in general are distancing themselves from pride. People are exhausted from having the homosexual way of life constantly shoved down their throats. It feels like it has become the state religion. At the same time, Christians face criticism, ridicule, and unfair treatment. But if you don’t “celebrate” the homosexual lifestyle you can lose everything, including your livelihood, just ask former Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass, who dared to support the wildly popular boycotts against Target and Bud Light for relentlessly pushing the transgender mental illness and grooming kids.

People have reached their limit with this communist-style worship of sex and perversion. Even younger generations in America are now revolting against pride days in school by refusing to wear “pride colors” and chanting USA as their pronouns. God bless these kids.

But it’s not just in the USA, the Muslim community in Canada is lashing out as well. I the viral video below, you can see Muslim kids trampling the pride flag. This was in response to the school board’s decision to mandate the use of students’ preferred pronouns by teachers. It’s absurd and just another example of the left trying to dictate how people think and speak.

The left is furious about kids stomping on a rainbow flag that represents fetish sex and ‘thought control,” yet they seem fine with people burning the American flag or “kneeling” during the anthem. This extreme attitude is making “Homosexuality” feel like the government’s official religion. That’s why this backlash was bound to happen sooner or later, and things are probably going to get even worse. You can’t really undo the damage once it’s out there — it’s like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube.