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You might not be familiar with “Battle-ax” Barb McQuade. She’s a former federal prosecutor and fixture in the establishment uniparty swamp and frequently appears on NBC News. She’s now posing as a “disinformation expert” and has even written a book on the subject, titled “Attack From Within.”

Barb’s tweet promoting her new book didn’t quite receive the reaction she was hoping for. Instead, she was relentlessly trolled online, largely because many people view Barb as an unabashed mouthpiece for the regime who isn’t afraid to stretch the truth. Barb seemed taken aback by the backlash. This serves as another testament to why anonymous Twitter accounts are a national treasure. They absolutely infuriate these elites and publicly humiliate them with the well-deserved mockery.

RELATED: “Anon” Twitter users are a national treasure because they brutally crush smug politicians like THIS…

Barb can attempt to keep up appearances, smiling and claiming that “bots and trolls” are strengthening her argument, but the truth is, she’s a charlatan. Charles C.W. Cooke, a writer from National Review, nailed her on her dissembling. Charles highlighted the fact that Barb, the self-styling “disinformation hunter,” deleted a Hunter Biden laptop tweet where she pushed damaging disinformation and election interference as if it were verified “fact.”

Here’s Barb’s deleted Tweet in all its glory:

Barb used her “expert status” and large online platform to help legitimize one of the biggest and most damaging election lies to date. And mind you, Barb hasn’t always been just some wild-eyed Democratic party apparatchik. Barb is a former federal prosecutor. Now do you understand how our nation is in such deep trouble, with justice nowhere to be found?

Many other’s chimed in on Barb’s shamelessness.

Barb didn’t merely insinuate or surmise that the laptop was “Russian.” This so-called “disinformation expert” flatly declared, “YES. THE LAPTOP IS RUSSIAN.” She left no room for ambiguity. She propagated an outright lie, presenting it as fact without a shred of evidence, and then deleted her tweet like a coward. Now, she’s peddling a book on the widespread issue of online disinformation. Is it any wonder that these “elites” and so-called “experts” have lost the trust of the American people? They’re a joke.