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There’s a new video making the rounds on social media that appears to show a group of furious working-class Ukrainians telling draft officers to send “rich people” to fight their wars, not common folks with no shoes or training.

The last thing any government wants is push-back from its lowly working-class citizens. That’s why we see so much propaganda surrounding this conflict: it aims to lull people into a false  sense that they’re fighting for a righteous “good vs evil” cause. We see this same pattern of dysfunction playing out in the U.S. as well. People blindly buy into the propaganda and follow the governments orders without truly considering or even acknowledging the rampant corruption that’s built into our system. It’s like they can’t bear to face the truth, let alone take any action to address it. Meanwhile, what they’re fighting for isn’t a righteous battle of “good vs evil” — it’s an elite-orchestrated money laundering scheme that uses hard-working, decent people as targets and shields. The good citizens who just want to live in peace are snatched up from their homes and placed as sacrifices on the altar of war so the elites can keep lining their pockets. That group of furious Ukrainians are right — if the elites want to start wars, let them be the ones to fight and die for their cause. That’s how things used to be, anyways — the elites would lead from the front. But that was back when America was a nation — now we’re all just subjects of the Globalist American Empire.