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A stunning new “Rust Belt” poll has just been released revealing something troubling and downright dangerous for the GOP if President Trump isn’t the nominee. Renowned pollster Richard Baris breaks down the implications below, but in short, this poll suggests that without Trump as the nominee, the Rust Belt – including Trump states Ohio, Iowa, and Indiana – would shift back to being swing states and become up for grabs. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Under Obama, Iowa, Indiana, and Ohio were swing states, while Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin remained blue states. These days, Trump easily secures Ohio, Iowa, and Indiana in a massive red landslide, while Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin become swing states under his influence — Trump won these states in 2016 and nearly took them again in 2020. However, as Baris points out, this new poll shows that “traditional” GOP candidates like Tim Scott and Ron DeSantis could potentially turn even Ohio, a solid red state, into a “swing” state if one of them were to receive the nomination.

Here’s a closer look at the poll:

President Trump is immensely popular in the Midwest and Rust Belt, from Iowa all the way to Pennsylvania, and traditional GOP candidates like John McCain and Mitt Romney, with their neocon policies on trade and foreign policy, have always been met with a lukewarm reception.

So, the bottom line is this: if traditional Republican candidates (anybody but Trump) win the nomination, red states could turn purple or go back to blue and swing states in the Rust Belt could become hopelessly out of reach. No wonder the regime and the GOP establishment is trying to imprison Trump. He wins, and they all lose.