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When Rolling Stone isn’t busy peddling fake rape stories, they dish out rather questionable movie reviews that almost sound like a veiled endorsement of child sexual abuse. That’s what happened with their latest review of the runaway conservative hit movie “Sound of Freedom.” It’s truly mind-boggling how so many liberals have taken the absurd stance of dismissing “child sex trafficking” as a conspiracy theory, labeling anyone who sheds light on it or wants to stop it as a “Q-kook.” It really makes you wonder what type of twisted moral compass these people follow.

One so-called “reporter” from Rolling Stone actually subjected himself to sit in a theater filled with those “ignorant Q people” and watched the film. His remarks about the movie and its premise are both bewildering and slightly unsettling. Just to clarify, this is Miles Klee, the “reporter” who wrote the review.

Miles Klee - Writer - Rolling Stone | LinkedIn

And it doesn’t seem like things are going well for Miles. He has currently removed his photo, and locked down his Twitter account.

Miles kicks off his review by scoffing at the idea that kids are actually molested and by blaspheming Jesus Christ.

Rolling Stone:

“Based on a true story,” I heard from somewhere across the theater.

The familiar words had appeared on screen, and an elderly man had taken it upon himself to read them aloud, to the rest of a sizable audience seated for a matinee showing of the anti-child-trafficking thriller Sound of Freedom, starring Jim Caviezel. For the seasoned moviegoer, this phrase is a joke — we know that cinema will stretch almost any “truth” to the breaking point — and the rank insincerity of such a pronouncement is the foundation of the prankish opening titles of Fargo. But this crowd, I could tell, would view the events depicted over the next two-plus hours as entirely literal.

Caviezel, best known for being tortured to death in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, has become a prominent figure on the conspiracist right, giving speeches and interviews in which he hints at an underground holy war between patriots and a sinister legion of evildoers who are harvesting the blood of children. It’s straight-up QAnon stuff, right down to his use of catchphrases like “The storm is upon us.” Here, he gets to act out some of that drama by playing a fictionalized version of Tim Ballard, head of the anti-sex trafficking nonprofit Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), in a feature film that casts the operator as a Batman-style savior for kids sold into the sex trade.

Miles may be interested to learn that, unfortunately, trafficking is very real, regardless of whether acknowledging it lines up with his political views.

Dordulian Group:

21 million victims worldwide are believed to be victims of forced labor. One in six endangered runaways reported in the United States are likely to become victims of sex trafficking. 20% of human trafficking victims are children. Females forced into domestic servitude are often sexually exploited

Miles then puts on his own tinfoil hat and goes knee-deep into his own conspiracy theory about how “Sound of Freedom” is a Q-Anon film. This review is either grounded in ignorance or coverup – maybe a bit of both?

Ballard himself has dabbled in Q-adjacent conspiracy theories, such as the Wayfair trafficking hoax, while his organization has far-right affinities and a long record of distorting its botched “raids,” which rely on bizarre tactics like asking psychics where to find victims for rescue. Ballard, Caviezel, and others of their ilk had primed the public to accept Sound of Freedom as a documentary rather than delusion by fomenting moral panic for years over this grossly exaggerated “epidemic” of child sex-trafficking, much of it funneling people into conspiracist rabbit holes and QAnon communities. In short, I was at the movies with people who were there to see their worst fears confirmed.

In this portion of the review, Miles ridicules those “dirty Q-kooks” for coughing in the theater. $100 bucks says Miles was wearing a mask.

Sound of Freedom lives up to that anticipation. It’s a stomach-turning experience, fetishizing the torture of its child victims and lingering over lush preludes to their sexual abuse. At times I had the uncomfortable sense that I might be arrested myself just for sitting through it. Nonetheless, the mostly white-haired audience around me could be relied on to gasp, moan in pity, mutter condemnations, applaud, and bellow “Amen!” at moments of righteous fury, as when Ballard declares that “God’s children are not for sale.” They were entranced by what they clearly took for a searing exposé. Not even the occasional nasty coughing fit — and we had no shortage of those — could break the spell.

In the concluding part of his review, Miles seemingly displays snarky empathy towards the pedophile character who ultimately suffers a brutal fate. Yep, you’re right on brand, Miles. Well done.

Apart from its relentless messaging, the movie is hobbled by a near-total absence of procedural logic. That original rescue is only possible because Ballard is standing at the exact right spot of a U.S.-Mexico border station at the very moment his target tries to cross. Lucky! Earlier, Ballard convinces an imprisoned child porn peddler facing a sentence of 30 years to help him contact traffickers in exchange for an immunity deal, needlessly posing as a pedophile himself to gain trust. When the guy fulfills his end of the bargain, Ballard has a dozen police officers swarm the diner they’re in to… arrest him again? Wait, how was he sprung from custody in the first place? Doesn’t matter as long as the drooling creep with requisite glasses and pervert mustache gets his head slammed against a table once more. The same muddled approach is taken to Ballard’s later, more sensational busts, which is certainly in keeping with the way O.U.R. embellishes and misrepresents their international “missions,” according to a Vice News investigation of the group.

Apparently, whatever Miles Klee thinks about “Sound of Freedom” doesn’t matter, because in a wild box office coup, “Sound of Freedom” beat out Disney’s new woke “Indiana Jones” movie. So, while Miles doesn’t care much about child abuse, many other Americans certainly do.
