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On Thursday, President Trump found himself in the belly of The Swamp once again; indicted and arraigned under yet another fabricated indictment orchestrated by the desperate and immoral Biden regime. This time, the allegations are nothing short of comical: they’re now accusing Trump of conspiring to overthrow an election, all in connection to the events on January 6th.

Revolver’s own Darren Beattie is closely watching this unfolding nightmare, and be believes that the regime has transformed the J6 committee report into an “indictment.” Darren says it’s as if they “copy and pasted” it word for word.  This move certainly would shed light on the motives behind the relentless  efforts of RINOs like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, who lead that political circus. Beattie also highlights how these preposterous and unjust charges against a political adversary have tragically degraded the United States of America, likening us to  “sh*thole” countries like  Tunisia or Uganda. This is a topic Revolver covered after the first sham indictment in a provocative piece.


Why do people make the “banana republic” comparison? Because historically in the U.S., presidents and party leaders don’t get arrested. By contrast, the use of a “novel legal theory” to arrest a declared presidential candidate is substantially more routine in the more, er, “flawed” democracies of the Global South. It’s the sort of behavior that the U.S. has a long history of lecturing other countries about — and don’t worry, they’re definitely happy to remind us of that.

But as America has invited the rest of the world inside its borders, it has also become like the rest of the world.

READ MORE: Biden’s America Just Joined Seven Other “Sh*thole” Nations by Arresting an Opposition Leader

Darren appeared on War Room to discuss this latest Trump indictment and also to delve into how exactly every sham arrest the regime makes brings the U.S. one step close to “Uganda” territory.


The only good news in all of this is that these desperate politically-driven opposition arrests are truly raising the stakes for the Deep State.