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While Mitch McConnell is widely criticized, and for very good reasons, his decision to block Merrick Garland from the Supreme Court stands out as one of his greatest moves ever. Had Garland, a corrupt and tyrannical weasel, been given a lifelong platform to influence American lives and business, it would have led to an even quicker demise for this nation.

However, Supreme Court or not, Merrick Garland is still making waves, basically using the United States Constitution as litter box liner. At this point, we’re all crossing our fingers that his term wraps up in four years. Meanwhile, he’s on a tear, wreaking havoc left and right. If you’re looking for a top-tier regime puppet, Garland’s your guy, completely flipping what this country stands for on its head, all to give the regime a leg up against their much more popular political rival.

At this point, they’ve hit the stage where they’re not even bothering to hide their moves. Garland actually had the nerve to go on national TV and say he’s all in for interfering with the 2024 election. Over half the country upset about it? Tough luck. It looks like the Democrats are going all-in with every trick they’ve got because they think they’ve got no other way to win.

It also seems that Merrick, the big law guy, doesn’t realize that “speedy trial” rights are reserved for the accused, not the tyrannical government.

Here’s what former Justice Gorsuch clerk and highly respected attorney Mike Davis had to say about that:

Investigative reporter Julie Kelly also weighed in on the Biden regime’s shocking election interference. She’s repeatedly stated that this corrupt DOJ won’t respect any precedent or rule when it comes to prosecuting the top presidential candidate, even after he’s officially won the nomination, and she’s right. These crooks and thieves see no other way to sideline Trump, barring assassination—a concern Tucker Carlson has voiced several times. And they know that if they can’t stop him, they’re facing tremendous trouble.

Republicans are either nodding along in secret or are too chicken to stand up to the Democrats. That’s basically handing them a free pass to do whatever they want. Just think: if the right actually fought back, put the left in the hot seat, and gave them a taste of their own medicine? We’d see a whole new ball game. It’d make these lefty commies think twice before pulling their usual stunts. But that’s not happening, and so the left keeps causing chaos without anyone calling them out. We need to flip this script, or we’re just going to keep spinning our wheels in neutral.