It’s almost Valentine’s Day, and if you can believe it, the Soros-funded harridans who have been so badly thwarted in their desperate attempts to find love are still trying to cancel Revolver. We are extremely grateful and fortunate to be supported by our generous readership. Subscribers and Donors help Revolver weather any cancel culture storm. Buy a $49 per year Subscription for yourself and for that special someone, and if you are able and willing to give more, don’t hesitate to make a recurring monthly donation — whether it’s $1 or $1,000, every bit helps. You can also now easily give the gift of a Revolver ad-free Subscription. Simply go to the Subscribe page and check the “gift” option. Don’t be a cheap date! — make it an annual subscription.

The pandemic really screwed over the American people and further destroyed the middle-class. There were very few “winners” thanks to COVID — but one company that made an absolute killing (no pun intended) was Pfizer.

At least for a while…

And now, after bombshell statistics have been revealed,  we’re starting to see the seedy underbelly of the Pfizer “booster” plot unfolding, and how that plan ended a lot more quickly than Pfizer had anticipated.

Ed Dowd explains:

“It took decades and decades for Pfizer to get to $40 billion in revenues, before Covid. After Covid, in one year, $90 Billion.”

He went on to describe how Pfizer capitalized on the pandemic and what kind of money they were planning to make with additional boosters, until the bottom fell out of their plan, when everyone became scared of “dying suddenly.”

Pfizer could have got away with it, sold many more booster shots and made another ten billion if it weren’t for those pesky dissidents poking around, and all those healthy young people dying suddenly.

Even if they won’t be able to make yet another windfall on yet another round of boosters, they’re still sitting pretty darned pretty.

After all, how many yachts do you really need?


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