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Revolver has been closely monitoring the case involving former Green Beret Jeremy Brown, who was at the Capitol on January 6th. Brown was just sentenced 7-years for charges unrelated to J6, that include, possessing illegal firearms and grenades, inadequate storage of grenades, and holding classified information. However, there’s so much more to this case than meets the eye.

The Brown conviction is the latest in a string of cases where the judicial system was weaponized to destroy political rivals. We’ve already seen this unfolding with Trump’s sham indictment and the conviction of Douglass Mackey for sharing an anti-Hillary meme. He now faces 10 years in a federal prison.

Brown’s case is similar to Trump and Mackey’s; as it is also politically-driven and complex.

Revolver’s own Darren Beattie, who’s been at the forefront of exposing the governments political abuse and dark secrets regarding January 6th,  just published a bombshell piece on Brown’s case titled “Biden Regime’s Seven-Year Prison Sentence for Green Beret Jan 6 Whistleblower Re-Opens Festering Wounds of Fedsurrection Lie“.

This article, like Revolver’s previous investigations on January 6th, raises more questions about the government’s actions and motives prior to the event.

According to Revolver’s investigation, the FBI may have been involved in orchestrating the attack on the Capitol as far back as December 2020. The article also alleges that Brown, who refused to cooperate with the FBI’s December plot, was then targeted for retaliation with these trumped-up charges.


The scandalous details of the DOJ’s prosecution of Brown suggest a case of egregious political retaliation, and warrant the careful attention of every patriot concerned with the unprecedented degradation of our nation’s once great justice system.

Beattie recently appeared on Kimberly Guilfoyle’s wildly popular podcast to discuss Brown’s case and other white-hot details from this much-anticipated Revolver investigative piece.


We encourage you to delve deeper into the shocking Jeremy Brown case by reading the explosive Revolver exclusive. You can find it by clicking here.

In addition, you can access Revolver’s entire J6 investigative library by clicking here.


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