RIP, I guess.

Here’s his profile on the sex offender registry.

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Here’s the proof that he died last night in Kenosha.

One of the victims of last night’s shooting in Kenosha leaves behind his partner and a stepdaughter, according to social media.

Anthony Huber, 26, was identified by loved ones as one of the two victims fatally shot overnight, CBS’s Milwaukee affiliate reported. Joseph “Jojo” Rosenbaum, 36, from Kenosha, was also fatally shot, and a 26-year-old from West Allis was shot and is expected to recover. [Chicago Sun-Times]

In other, unrelated news, Antifa has a pedophile problem, according to the Post Millennial.

READ MORE: Black Lives Matter Rioters Scream Out “Call the Police” After One of Their Own is Shot in the Head

RELATED: Kyle Rittenhouse Did Nothing Wrong — All Available Evidence So Far Points to Clear-Cut Case of Self-Defense

ALSO: Wisconsin Governor Sides With Looters and Rioters — A Definitive Rundown of the Kenosha Riots

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